Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I am going to go right out there and say it!!! I went to yoga last night the reason is I have been having back problems that have been haunting me to fix. So physio suggested I try this hippy crap... So off I went not too sure what to expect but I did expect a high contingent of attractive females. Well I was not dissapointed and they all sweaty its so HOT...... (excuse the pun)

So as I arrive, walk in and see a very soft spoken homosexual (not good, so far) but none the less I fill out the forms get the run down of the operation, they burning incense still leaning more towards the hippy and not the actual workout. Still keeping head down and powering through this. The time arrives that its my turn 18:15 we all stream into the gigantic sauna at 40 degrees celsius. I just watch what the others do and copy. I strategically positioned myself at the back of an incredibly attractive female, now we getting somewhere, we start off with simple breathing excercises not easy. Lets just say the next 90 minutes were hell and the instructor was satan. None the less I had a spectacular view of pretty girls ass for 90 minutes so nothing wrong there. I am going back tonight again to be punished by statan.

BRING IT ON!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Hot chick in front of me is really cool and hopefully go for a drink sometime.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Boobs, Generals and Beer

Well my mate Slicktiger is leaving the land locked city of Jozi town for the ocean seaside. How romantic sounds like a summer read at the beach house where the hero goes leaves there comforts to go and explore new lands and then gets involved in a twilight episode.
I am sure that wont happen as he is off to Cape Town which is a fairly civilized part of the country. His goodbye soiree was on Saturday. Its officially started at 14:00 I arrived at 15:30 did not want to start drinking immediately. The day started off swimmingly literally the incessant rains that have been plaguing our fair city subsided and let us have an outdoor party. towards the beginning of the day everyone was fairly well behaved and trading interesting anecdotes and getting to know one another, as the day wore on the anecdotes got a little more crude, the day retreated into the dark night. As the night came so did the bad behaviour. We were all jumping in the pool scantily clad. There was an interesting english las who's father is a General in the British Army, so you expect the queens english and the queens behaviour. Wow was I wrong this girl drank more than anyone at the party and ended up in the pool with the rest of us. AND I GIVE YOU THE GENERALS DAUGHTER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The generals daughter is the Blondie
Click for slicktigers version.