"Joost coked up nailing a whore" video. (that is the name of it) according to me.
Onto the countries top scrummie, lets go through his CV:
Won the 1995 world cup with Francois and the boys.
Played in the world cup's of 1999 and 2003
Held his dutch heritage strong by playing for the blou bulle.
He then married the hottest piece of ass on the SA television (Amor Vittone)
Popped out some lighties and got a sex scandal recently. A video tape of the scrummie has surfaced showing Joost shnarfing some charlie and banging the shit out of a whore, who had the presence of mind to video tape the scrummie.
He is denying he is a coked up whore monger, the video will be released soon and we will know if the scrummie is a scummie whore monger.......
This is a story i am watching closely because how will Jonty feel when his church buddy is a coked up whore monger.